Thursday, July 1, 2010


I had a few months waiting period, from the time I bought my tickets to when I actually flew back to the States. And to be quite honest, my excitement level really wasn't very high.  At least, not initially.

But then one evening the weather turned nice, and there was a familiar feel in the air, like... home. A sudden craving stirred within me. I found myself wanting to be surrounded with longtime friends while eating on the terrace of an American restaurant. I tried to shake it off, I tried to fill my mind with the beauty of Amsterdam,  but there was no denying it.  I was looking forward to going home.

You may not find that profound.  You may think I'm strange for not having a naturally innate desire to always long for my home country.  But I'm not that type of girl.  Which is exactly why my desire to suddenly want to return home for a visit astounded me.

That desire increased as my mind reeled with other reasons to return. Like, seeing my nephew for the first time. Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory.  A good haircut (one that was much needed after 2 years). Reasonably good Mexican food.  Buying jeans that actually fit me, for less than 60-100 Euros a pair.  Cold Stone ice cream.  Shoe shopping. Panera Bread's cinnamon bagels. Walmart. Papa John's Pizza with garlic butter sauce. Clothes shopping. A juicy all-American cheeseburger. Target.

Which is why it's a shame the Euro drastically dropped right before my two week shopping spree!  Er.. um, I mean, it's not like the conversion rate even matters, since... uh,... my trip home was to visit family and friends... obviously.


Chad & Bonny Day said...

I can't wait to hear how the trip went!!

ReL said...

LOL...It's good to hear you were looking forward to coming back for so many reasons :-)